Justice and Wonder 

He is a Master of War,

She, the Mistress of Truth. 

He, the Knight of Night. 

She, His Dawn of Justice. 

She is radiant with soft strong Strength,

He, the dark, brooding, Wise old Bat. 

She, the immortal Amazon warrior. 

He, the mortal, human, caped crusader. 


Hera, what ease! Goddess and Man made equal! 

Their tempers, A Hurricane! how thunderous they rage,

Black Stallion and Golden Mare, fearsome with holy fire,

Charging through Darkness,

Bearing fiery judgement upon the foe!

And yet, 

Justice and Wonder! 

Their souls beat like forge and fire. 

The Knight’s fire ablaze for only an era. 

She is infinite, he is but finite. 
He would not risk his heart to give,

For such sought after treasure, 

he foes did desire. 
She. His?

(Oh how he would gladly surrender, 

stripped bare in all his sin,

That her Love and Wonder will cleanse him and wash him pure)
Time will take him, sooner than her. 

He will grow old while youth be her vigor. 

He will be tortured all his life, 

In silence to give his soul to her. 

His Princess of Red, Blue, and Golden hue. 

A contrast in his blackness. 

He will Love her, in the Dark. 

Worship, Alone in his soul. 
His Warrior, His Helpmate, 

his Wonder Woman. 

-Francisco Pier 

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